Join us to debrief and reflect on Dr. Shaywitz’s presentation, which takes place the night before our virtual evening meeting. (Register for that event here: Our Dyslexia Parents Group is open to Lexington parents who have a child struggling to read and/or write and who need information on how to best support them from an amazing and supportive group of parents. No matter where your child is on their journey - from just starting to realize they learn differently, to having a diagnosis of dyslexia/language based learning disability and receiving support services, please join us.
Please save these dates on your calendar, look for more information on the LexSepta website and plan to join us!
Zoom link will be provided closer to the date.
Please share this information with friends and acquaintances who may benefit from joining this group.
For questions contact
146 Maple St, Lexington MA, 02421
LexSEPAC and LexSEPTA encompasses both the Parent Advisory Council for children with special needs in Lexington, MA and Lexington’s special education PTA.