Dr. Ned Hallowell: Making your life (with ADHD) VAST and full of potential
Date: April 27, 2023
Time: 7:00–8:30 pm
Location: Lexington High School Auditorium
251 Waltham Street Lexington MA 02421
Making your life VAST and full of potential What if instead of thinking of ADHD as a deficit and a disorder, we saw it for what it really is, a way of being in the world which with the right support can be a wonderful way of being? Drs Hallowell and Ratey introduced a new term for ADHD in their latest book ADHD 2.0. It’s VAST, or Variable Attention Stimulus Trait. The old term with its emphasis on pathology, on a “deficit disorder” is inaccurate and stigmatizing. The new term is far more accurate, allowing for positive attributes, not just negative ones. Dr Hallowell explains the rich and complex world of VAST and how a simple change in framing can set off an entire shift in thinking and treatment.
SEPACSEPTA Flyer.Hallowell.Membership.March 2023 (8.5 _ 11 in).SMALL.pdf
146 Maple St, Lexington MA, 02421
LexSEPAC and LexSEPTA encompasses both the Parent Advisory Council for children with special needs in Lexington, MA and Lexington’s special education PTA.